Shaped by Thoughts, We are What We Think

About Barbara

Barbara Felder, C.Ht.

Barbara Felder is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, practicing hypnosis at Miami Valley Hypnosis, Inc. in Troy, Ohio. Ms. Felder has attended fourteen Convention and Educational Conferences presented by The National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc. and held​in Marlboro, Massachusetts. The American Lung Association has certified Ms. Felder as a ‘Freedom for Smoking’ Workshop Facilitator. Ms. Felder has a certification in Hypno-Birthing, The Mongan Method having studied with Marie F. Mongan the founder. Ms. Felder is also a Retired Licensed Practitioner of Religious Science with The Centers for Spiritual Living.
Throughout the years, Ms. Felder learned the latest techniques for Stop Smoking, Weight loss, Unstressing and Stopping Gambling. Some additional workshops Ms. Felder attended included: Fear of Dentists, Learning to Sleep better using Hypnosis, Hypno-Birthing for pain free childbirth, Sales Motivation, Anxiety for Test Taking, Improve your ability to Study, Learn and take a Test, Building Resilience Holistically – Techniques to Adapt to Change and Bounce back from any Situation, Understanding the mind Model, Conversational Past Life Regression – Creating Past Life Trances while a Client is in a waking state, Hypnosis, The Key to the Metaphysical – Building Our Profession with Spiritual Intention, HUNA & Ho’oponopono, Real Simple Real World Medical Hypnosis, Hypnosis Neurobiology & Depth Testing, A New Protocol for PTSD, Living with Intention, Positively Happy, How to Switch into Solution Consciousness, Overview about EMDR – What it is & How & Why it Works, How to use Dreams to Empower your Clients, Super Nova Hypnosis, Healing a Broken Heart, and Helping Ordinary, Everyday people, with Ordinary, Everyday Problems. And so much more!
Ms. Felder has had an interest in Past Lives and Reincarnations all her life. She has studied and taken classes with some of the best Past Life Regression teachers in the Hypnosis field, Dr. Georgina Cannon, an award-winning author of Return Again, change catalyst, corporate speaker, international facilitator, and practicing consulting hypnotist. Richard Sutphen, author of Past Lives, Future Loves and You Were Born to Be Together Again, Henry Leo Bolduc, author of The Journey Within and Life Patterns, and Dr. Edith Flory.
Ms. Felder says, "Though out the years with over 2000 seminars and workshops, the variety, the expertise and the wealth of information have made these conferences so valuable. The conventions are attended by over 2000 people worldwide. No matter how many conferences I attend, I always learn, bring home new techniques and enjoy networking with other members of National Guild of Hypnotists."
You may contact Barbara Felder, Certified Consulting Hypnotist, for a free consultation to see if hypnosis is right for you or more information on hypnosis sessions and classes she offers. She is also available to speak to your group about the uses and benefits of hypnosis. Miami Valley Hypnosis, Inc. is located at The Stouder Center 1100 Wayne St. Troy, Ohio 45373. You may contact her by phone 937-332-8700.